You know how when you are crushing on someone really hard you send them the note marked “do you like me? Yes, No, Maybe”. You will do everything and anything to spend time with them. You lose sleep, sneak around, stay up late on the phone all night with them (even though you need to be up in 3 hours and take an exam). Yeah, you do dumb stuff just to spend that time with them. You’ll skip eating lunch on your break, skip a class, call out of work, tell a lie about where and who you are going to be with just to sneak extra time with them. You even run and go shave your legs really quick just to have the appearance of being perfect and flawless (mmhhmm you know its February and that hair was an extra layer of warmth). Now all of a sudden you have the extra time to pull out the razor? But you don’t make time for God!
It’s ironic how you say you don’t have time to spend with God! You don’t have a few minutes to pray. You can’t stay up late to read your bible. Just can’t make it to church every week. Jesus loves your furry legs, you don’t have to pull out the razor for him. He wants you even in your messy state. He is the only one that can clean you up. Yet you don’t make time for God! Stop being so easily distracted! I have tried hard to find you- don’t let me wander from your commands Psalm 119:10. Meanwhile God is right there, waiting for you to draw near to him. But you’re too busy to even notice and just keep pushing him to the side. Come close to God, and God will come close to you James 4:8. This would be the perfect time to use the line “it’s not you… it’s me.” You’re basically dissing God. “The irony is that while God doesn’t need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want him most of the time”-Frances Chan.
You make time for what you desire! So, let’s face it, you just don’t truly desire God! You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength Deuteronomy 6:5. If you truly wanted him, you would seek him wholeheartedly without any excuses! Nothing or no one would be able to stop you. He is worth it all! He is worth the sacrifice and “inconvenience” in your life.