Warning! Statistics show that ten out of ten people die! There is no getting out of it, we are all going to die one day! One thing we can all be sure of in life, is death! This should spark some thought as to how you decide to live your life. Ecclesiastes 7:2 says that “…after all, everyone dies- so the living should take this to heart.” So, answer this, with the way you are living, are you ready to die? Where will you spend eternity, Heaven or Hell?
Are you living foolishly, or righteously with eternity in mind? I once had a patient who was so miserable, mean and demeaning to staff! One night as I was medicating him, he mentioned that he knew he was dying. I then took the moment to tell him that if he knew he was dying, then he should really start thinking about where he was going to end up after his death (Heaven or Hell). He then got silent for a moment as he appeared to be wondering in thought. Quickly he snapped out of his trance and cussed me out… at least I tried get him to think about eternity.
Eternity should always be on our minds, it should always be our goal! When I was younger and identified as a Christian, but was still living otherwise, I used to be scared of dying. The book of Revelation was scary to me. It speaks of the end times and describes beasts and the tormenting of people. A friend of mine who had been a Christian for a long time told me that when you truly belong to God and have a relationship with Him, that stuff doesn’t scare you anymore. I didn’t feel secure back then, but I totally get it now! I’m no longer afraid! I know who I belong to, I have a real relationship with Christ. I realize that there will be things that I will have to endure as a Christian, like persecution, but it’s worth it to me! I am willing and ready! I am so grateful that I have gotten to this place of security and fearlessness in my faith, it’s so freeing!
Many times, I have heard people jokingly say “man, I’m going to Hell.” I can’t help but think how clueless they are! Hell isn’t a joke! It’s so serious, it’s eternal! It is never-ending torture without letting up! If only people realized what they are really saying. When I learned about hell and its eternal terror and torment, I knew I never wanted to ever go there. I wanted to change my ways so that hell would never have to become my reality!
One time at work, there was drama with a patient’s family member, the person left then came back. People were afraid that he had come back with a gun! I remember my coworkers jokingly saying, “if he tries to shoot us, push Larissa in front, at least we know where she is going.” I encourage you to really think about it. If you were to drop dead right now, where will you spend eternity, Heaven or Hell? Now since you have that questioned answered, answer this one, are you really ready to die?