Have you ever had that attitude where you are like “I don’t need anybody?” Yeah, me too! But you know that’s a lie. We need people throughout our journey of life. People are Gods instruments.
In the book of Exodus 17:11-13, Joshua and his men were fighting the army of Amalek. As long as Moses held up the staff of God in his hand, Joshua was winning. Whenever Moses dropped his hand, the Amalekites started winning. Moses’ arm became very tired and he couldn’t hold the staff up anymore. Aaron and Hur found a stone for Moses to sit on and then stood on each side of him to help hold his hand. As a result, his hand remained steady until sunset and Joshua and his men were able to overwhelm the army of Amalek.
We need people, just as Moses needed Aaron and Hur. God will use others to help fulfil His ultimate purpose. But I don’t mean just any ol’ body. We need people who will help us, support us, stand by us and hold our hands when they get tired. People who will help pour into us, hold us accountable and help us remain steady in Christ. We need people who want to see us win because they see the bigger picture is to Glorify God! Allow others to serve the Lord by serving us. Appreciate the Aaron and Hurs in your life and become someone else’s Aaron and Hur.