

focusing on the wrong thing
All Posts, Blogs, Faith

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing?

We’ve got so much going on in our everyday lives, good and bad. We work to pay bills, care for our kids and get stuck in our everyday routines. Whenever anything goes wrong, that seems to be all we could focus on. We whine and complain about everything, while letting things ruin our day. Not to mention getting offended easily. Without even realizing it, we are missing out on life’s everyday blessings. Could we be missing the “miracle” right in front of us by focusing on the wrong thing?

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walk by faith
All Posts, Blogs, Faith, Inspiration, Trust

Make the Faith Move


Very recently an opportunity came about in my life. Something I’ve been waiting for but not quite ready for. Something that I know I should have been preparing for, but I’ve just been procrastinating. Quite frankly I think its cause it’s scary, its unknown and its really hard work! I decided to sit with God and pray about whether it was the right time to make this move or not. As I was spending time with him I believe the Holy Spirit told me “you have to live this faith thing out Larissa! How can you minister to others, especially encouraging the youth to not fear if you aren’t living it out yourself every day and taking chances yourself?” I had to be reminded once again that it is not all about me! I have to be brave and let my life be an example of how God can use an ordinary person for his glory when he has called them to do something. I had to walk by faith!Continue reading

share how God changed you
All Posts, Blogs, Faith, Inspiration, Shame, Trust

Use the Darkness to Turn up the Light

Everyone who knows me knows that I have any extremely active brain and that I can rarely sleep well because I am always thinking! My mom always tells me to take out my brain, put it away in the drawer and then go to sleep haha. I often will have a pen and notebook at my bedside to write down any thoughts or ideas that come to mind in the middle of the night. This usually ensures I don’t forget the thought/idea and I can address it the next day. If I don’t do this then my brain will just keep repeating the thought or idea constantly in an attempt not to forget it, which leaves me with a not so restful sleep.

This particular night I was attempting to sleep haha, but I just kept repeating in my mind “use the darkness to turn up the light.” I was asking God what does that even mean? Continue reading

Make time for God
All Posts, Blogs, Faith, Inspiration, Love



You know how when you are crushing on someone really hard you send them the note marked “do you like me? Yes, No, Maybe”. You will do everything and anything to spend time with them. You lose sleep, sneak around, stay up late on the phone all night with them (even though you need to be up in 3 hours and take an exam). Yeah, you do dumb stuff just to spend that time with them. You’ll skip eating lunch on your break, skip a class, call out of work, tell a lie about where and who you are going to be with just to sneak extra time with them. You even run and go shave your legs really quick just to have the appearance of being perfect and flawless (mmhhmm you know its February and that hair was an extra layer of warmth). Now all of a sudden you have the extra time to pull out the razor? But you don’t make time for God!Continue reading
