

God uses broken people
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We have all someway felt broken in our lives. Some of us still feel this way. We need to encourage each other and help each other grow. Help one another see that we can still achieve, grow, and move forward even in our brokenness. A beautiful picture can still be created from your life. All of our flaws and hurts add to the masterpiece created. Its art, its unique, it’s our story! God uses broken people!Continue reading

share how God changed you
All Posts, Blogs, Faith, Inspiration, Shame, Trust

Use the Darkness to Turn up the Light

Everyone who knows me knows that I have any extremely active brain and that I can rarely sleep well because I am always thinking! My mom always tells me to take out my brain, put it away in the drawer and then go to sleep haha. I often will have a pen and notebook at my bedside to write down any thoughts or ideas that come to mind in the middle of the night. This usually ensures I don’t forget the thought/idea and I can address it the next day. If I don’t do this then my brain will just keep repeating the thought or idea constantly in an attempt not to forget it, which leaves me with a not so restful sleep.

This particular night I was attempting to sleep haha, but I just kept repeating in my mind “use the darkness to turn up the light.” I was asking God what does that even mean? Continue reading
