

represent christ
All Posts, Blogs, Faith, Inspiration

How to Represent Your Faith at Your 9-5

In the work place, there are many different people, with many different personalities and many different beliefs/opinions. As a Christian, I am to be set apart from the rest of the world. You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure Deuteronomy 14:2. I am in this world but shouldn’t be like it. I don’t want to fit in, I’m meant to stand out and represent Christ!Continue reading

serve others
All Posts, Blogs, Faith, Uncategorized

Serve… Wash Stinky Feet!

When you look at life and what we all do for a living, there is something we all have in common. As a nurse I provide care and comfort to my patients, a teacher pours knowledge into their students, a store clerk provides their customers with assistance, and a comedian is able to make people laugh. You see, it doesn’t matter what role we play, we are all to serve others!Continue reading

focusing on the wrong thing
All Posts, Blogs, Faith

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing?

We’ve got so much going on in our everyday lives, good and bad. We work to pay bills, care for our kids and get stuck in our everyday routines. Whenever anything goes wrong, that seems to be all we could focus on. We whine and complain about everything, while letting things ruin our day. Not to mention getting offended easily. Without even realizing it, we are missing out on life’s everyday blessings. Could we be missing the “miracle” right in front of us by focusing on the wrong thing?

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